Smoking can hook you because cigarettes contain nicotine which is highly addictive. But being hooked is not an excuse why you cannot quit smoking. Smoking has been proven by several researches to be great threat to one’s health, that is why there is no reason why one who is already hooked to it should not quit smoking.
It is tough to quit smoking. People try at least 2 to 3 times before they can finally quit smoking. It takes hard work and lots of effort but if you’re really determined then you can quit smoking for good.
Why quit smoking?
There are at least five reasons why you should quit smoking.
First,Guest Posting if you quit smoking, you will definitely live longer and better.
Second, each time you smoke, you take about 5 to 20 minutes off your life. Your chance of getting lung cancer, stroke or heart attack increases if you don’t quit smoking.
Third, the people you live with, especially the children, will be healthier only if you stop smoking. In fact, second hand smoke is more dangerous than the actual smoke users get from smoking.
Fourth, if you quit smoking, you will have extra money to spend on other things than cigarettes.
And lastly, if you’re pregnant, chances of having a healthier baby is more likely if you quit smoking.
So the next and most crucial question is “how do I quit smoking?”
Here are five ways that can help you quit smoking:
Get ready and prepare yourself to undetake your quit somking program? Set a quit smoking date. Change your environment by getting rid of all cigarettes in places you frequent and not allowing people to smoke near you or at your home.
Get support and encouragement. Studies have shown that you’ll have better chances in quitting smoking if you can get support from families, friends, and co-workers.
Learn new skills and behavior. Always remember that your goal is to quit smoking, so distract yourself from urges of smoking. Change your routine in your first try of quit smoking program. Do something to reduce your stress such as taking a hot bath, exercise, or reading. Plan something to do enjoyable every day.
Get medication and use it correctly. Medications can help you lessen the urge to smoke. Five approved medications that can help you to quit smoking are: Bupropion SR, nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, and nicotine patch.
Be prepared for a relapse. If you quit smoking, chances of a relapse is high. Most relapses occur after 3 months of quitting, so watch out for situations that may trigger you get back to smoking such as alcohol, other smokers, weight gain and depression.
Everyone can quit smoking so don’t hesitate to at least try to quit smoking also.
Quit smoking now and I guarantee you a healthier, better and longer life.
Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the resource box at the bottom of the article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.
Does hypnotherapy ever fail? Once it starts working, will it keep working? Who make the best candidates for hypnotherapy? There are a lot of misnomers about hypnotherapy. This article will give you the straight scoop.
Hypnosis is a condition of hyper-suggestibility where the conscious mind and the unconscious mind dissociate. It is a state of mind where the subject is more likely to believe the operator’s suggestions.
You have been in hypnosis many times without even recognizing the state. If you have ever seen a sad television show and reacted with a tear in your eye,Guest Posting you have been in a state of hypnosis. You entered a state of increased suggestibility where you uncritically accepted the idea of gloom on the TV screen and reacted with a sad emotion, your tear. In other words, your reasoning ability, which is contained in your conscious mind, was bypassed. You did not reason that the show was just a play; you accepted the action as being real. So you reacted with real passion and shed a tear.
Hypnotists have discovered that all normal people are hypnotizable to a greater or lesser extent. Subjects with the I.Q. of the moron level of intelligence or lower generally are not hypnotizable. People who are in an active state of psychosis by and large are not hypnotizable. Most senile people are impossible to hypnotize. I have found in my own hypnosis practice dealing with a large number of retired people up to 85 years of age, that hypnotherapy is a powerful and beneficial process for the majority of people. An individual’s personal motivation is the key to his or her success.
For the therapeutic applications of hypnotherapy we most often deal with, hypnotic depth of any kind is not required. A subject can be the lightest possible subject and still receive all of the benefits from hypnotherapy that the deepest subjects will receive. I strongly feel that over the years, far too much importance has been placed on how deep a subject is. If the subject is deep, it could be beneficial. This however, may not necessarily be the case. Actually, with the latest hypnotic techniques like Ericksonian hypnotherapy and state of the art “NLP” (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), the depth of the hypnotic state is one of the least imperative aspects, which contribute to a successful outcome.
There are fundamentally no dangers to the practice of hypnotherapy. It is not possible to “get stuck” in hypnotherapy. The worst thing that could happen while a client is in the hypnotic state is that she might fall into a natural state of sleep for twenty or thirty minutes. She would awaken rested and out of the state of self-hypnosis.
There are many misnomers about hypnotherapy. Most of the misnomers are due to stage and television shows. As luck would have it, it is because of the fact that the television can hypnotize you that these misnomers are so strongly ingrained in people’s minds.
The largest misconception about hypnotherapy is that it is sleep. Not anything could be further from the truth. If you are asleep, you are unconscious. If you are unconscious, you can’t hear anything. If you can’t hear anything, then the hypnotherapist can’t help you. Hypnosis is a state of keen awareness. The subject is wide-awake and aware of everything around her. This misconception comes from the stage Hypnotist’s use of the word “sleep” as equivalent to a state of hypnosis. When the old time hypnotist swung the pocket watch in front of the subject’s face, he told the subject that she was getting “sleepy.” Then he told the subject to “go to sleep.” What he meant was to go into a hypnotic sleep, not a natural sleep.
The second largest misconception is that there is a hypnotized feeling. There is no specific hypnotized feeling. I repeat there is no specific hypnotized feeling. Most people feel very relaxed when in a state of hypnosis, as relaxation seems to be the essence of the hypnotic state. Some people feel heavy. Some people feel light. Some people have other sensations and feelings. Other people have absolutely no feeling that they are in self-hypnosis, and believe they haven’t been hypnotized when they most definitely have.
NO! The hypnotherapist can’t make you do anything against your will. There is always an observing ego state. Should the therapist make an offensive suggestion; this ego state would reject the suggestion. Additionally, you will probably come out of the hypnotic state if the hypnotherapist makes an offensive suggestion.
You will not divulge any secrets while in self hypnosis unless you want to. The therapist doesn’t have any control over the subject. Quite the contrary, the subject has more control over herself since at this time she can directly communicate with her own unconscious mind. The subject can easily refuse any suggestion the therapist makes, no matter how simple or complicated the suggestion might be. The subject can open her eyes, exit from the state of self hypnosis, and exit the room at any time she chooses.
NO! People can lie when in self-hypnosis.
This is a common misconception. The therapist doesn’t have any special powers, nor does he have any special vibrations with which to hypnotize you into the state of hypnosis. In reality, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The therapist leads the subject into a state of hypnosis. In other words, the ability of self hypnosis is within the subject.
Perhaps the chief reason for the inability to reach one’s goals through self-hypnosis is an insufficient amount of practice where self-hypnosis is concerned.
The biggest reason for the return of a symptom or “relapse” is the early discontinuance of hypnotherapy with the Hypno-therapist or recorded program. While self-hypnosis is important, it is generally the hetero-hypnosis with the therapist or hypnosis recording which has the greatest impact upon the unconscious mind.
This is because of the experience that the therapist has vs. the lack of experience of the client. Some people are penny wise and pound-foolish. They mentally set an amount of time or money that they are willing to spend for help. And then they prematurely abate their sessions because; “I didn’t lose 50 Lbs. in two days, so it isn’t working.”
If a therapeutic method is really helping one to make their desired changes, then it is invaluable and it should be sustained. It is for this reason that it is wise to have follow up hypnosis sessions, even after a symptom seems to have disappeared completely. Self-hypnosis should be an ongoing affair on a daily basis. Ultimately, YOUR SUCCESS IS UP TO YOU!
That is an excellent question. Normally I would recommend that you utilize the services of a reputable therapist. The reason is that by meeting with you, a good therapist / NLP’er will be able to customize his approach to your personality and your favored representational system — the way you favor taking in information through your senses to make sense out of it and react to it.
In my opinion, 99% of the recorded hypnosis programs available today are strictly Traditional Hypnosis, and are made up of only one or maybe two sessions of it at that. Traditional Hypnosis is nothing more than a set of direct commands: “If you eat a brownie you’ll vomit.” “You won’t have cravings and urges,” etc.. This technology has an unbelievably poor track record of success because the people in our generation have been taught to question everything they are told. That’s why you, your friends, and your kids usually do the opposite of what they are told to do. This is called a polarity response.
That being said, having private sessions with any therapist / NLP’er who has enough experience to be able to actually help you can cost a great deal of money. There are some hypnotic programs based on Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that have overcome those shortcomings. They’ve accomplished this by utilizing a mix of Ericksonian Hypnosis, NLP, Traditional Hypnosis, and the highly regarded Video Hypnosis technology.
These are all modalities that are designed to get rid of the resistance factor. In fact, Video Hypnosis and the NLP technology that it’s based on do not utilize suggestion at all. They rely on using the thought processes that have created a problem, to eliminate it!
Look for vendors who offer these methods in multi-session products. These are programs that generally have six to eight different hypnosis or NLP sessions, so you are exposed to a broad variety of techniques. It takes a lot of work to script and record this type of program, but the high success rates achieved are well worth the effort.
I recommend that you stay away from the “one size fits all” — “do-or-die” hypnotherapy CDs and downloads. Many people are lured in by these CDs because they are very inexpensive, usually under $10.00. But is it cheap if it just wastes your valuable time and doesn’t work?
If you buy a program and it doesn’t work, then you get guarded and start to expect the next approach to fail. And you get what you expect. Do you really think that the same exact commands will work for everyone? Do you think that they will work for you? Do you typically do exactly as you are told to do? Or do you feel a desire to do the opposite of what you are told to do?
The typical person makes an effort to stop smoking between four to six times before they are successful. The majority of those who quit smoking put on a great deal of excess weight. Hypnotherapy CDs provide a powerful alternative that allows smokers to quit without having to suffer from withdrawal or weight gain
The typical person makes an effort to stop smoking between four to six times before they are successful. If you have tried prescriptions,Guest Posting patches, gum or willpower alone without success, make your final attempt successful with stop smoking hypnosis.
Of all of the ways to quit smoking, hypnosis is truly the least complicated and has the most successful track record. If you are willing to consistently listen to and watch CDs and DVDs specifically intended to curb your cravings to smoke, then quit smoking hypnosis will work for you.
A lot of smokers believe that they cannot quit smoking because of their nicotine addiction, but that simply is not true. Medical professionals maintain that after seven to ten days – even as soon as three days – all nicotine has been cleared from the body, which leaves smokers to focus on the more difficult and far reaching emotional and psychological addiction to smoking cigarettes.
There are innumerable techniques to quit smoking, but just one method can address both the emotional compulsion and the cravings: stop smoking self hypnosis. A lot of people who wish to quit still end up asking themselves, “Why can’t I simply quit smoking?”
The answer is obvious to hypnotherapists. The part of you that won’t let you quit smoking is your unconscious. You cannot change your unconscious by force of will or with a prescription, patch or gum. You need the right kind of help.
In order to quit smoking, support is imperative, but most people do not realize that the best support comes from within their own unconscious. Hypnosis is the most effective technique to guarantee that your entire psyche is working to help you stop smoking. That’s because hypnosis provides an effective way of communicating with your unconscious.
Stop smoking hypnosis helps you eliminate the urge to smoke by removing the desire to light up. When the urge and compulsion to smoke are subtracted, stopping becomes effortless decision that you can make without difficulty. The best quit smoking hypnosis programs are successful because they address the most powerful elements of the addiction to smoking.
The first component of a successful stop smoking hypnosis program addresses the need to smoke for pleasure and relaxation. This example was actually instituted when you were a baby. No doubt, when you got cranky, your parents gave you a bottle on which to suck. Then it diverted your attention; you relaxed and likely went to sleep. Cigarette smokers experience the same soothing effect from a cigarette.
With quit smoking hypnosis, your unconscious is reprogrammed to attain pleasure and relaxation by unconsciously replacing stress-inducing thoughts with calming thoughts instead, all through the use of the very same triggers that previously made you tense. This makes the tension almost disappear magically. In addition, the very principal goal of hypnosis is relaxation. So by listening to a soothing hypnotherapy CD daily, anxiety levels will quickly fade.
The second component of an effective stop smoking hypnosis program will help you deal with the habituation, or the “Habit.” Habituation transpires when the unconscious forms an association between smoking and other behaviors, such as driving or watching television. Perhaps the moment that you turn on the TV you are besieged with a craving to smoke.
An effective stop smoking hypnosis DVD or CD will reprogram your unconscious associations so that watching TV, for example, actually makes you want to NOT smoke! This is called, no pun intended, extinguishing a conditioned response.
Here is a news flash! The physical nicotine addiction is merely about ten percent of the addiction. Ninety percent of the addiction to cigarettes comes from the mental and emotional components that we have looked at thus far. And as stated earlier in this article, medical experts tell us that the body is clear of nicotine in as little as three days.
People who use Neuro-Linguistic Programming and quit smoking hypnosis CDs and DVDs recognize that when their smoking associations and reliance on cigarettes for relaxation have been reprogrammed, the physical addiction is essentially such a minuscule part of their smoking habit, that it has no influence on their power to quit smoking without enduring withdrawal.
Now, I must tell you that despite the extraordinary success that clients have had with stop smoking hypnosis and NLP CDs and DVDs, you must hold the desire to quit smoking prior to starting a program. And besides the desire to quit, you must make a sincere decision to quit. That means that you must be ready and willing to throw your cigarettes away.
Hypnosis can’t be used to force you to do something you don’t want to do, so no program can coerce you to quit. But if you have the desire to quit smoking, and you make a determination to quit smoking, hypnosis will help you to remain relaxed and not suffer from ten
Does hypnotherapy ever fail? Once it starts working, will it keep working? Who make the best candidates for hypnotherapy? There are a lot of misnomers about hypnotherapy. This article will give you the straight scoop.
Hypnosis is a condition of hyper-suggestibility where the conscious mind and the unconscious mind dissociate. It is a state of mind where the subject is more likely to believe the operator’s suggestions.
You have been in hypnosis many times without even recognizing the state. If you have ever seen a sad television show and reacted with a tear in your eye,Guest Posting you have been in a state of hypnosis. You entered a state of increased suggestibility where you uncritically accepted the idea of gloom on the TV screen and reacted with a sad emotion, your tear. In other words, your reasoning ability, which is contained in your conscious mind, was bypassed. You did not reason that the show was just a play; you accepted the action as being real. So you reacted with real passion and shed a tear.
Hypnotists have discovered that all normal people are hypnotizable to a greater or lesser extent. Subjects with the I.Q. of the moron level of intelligence or lower generally are not hypnotizable. People who are in an active state of psychosis by and large are not hypnotizable. Most senile people are impossible to hypnotize. I have found in my own hypnosis practice dealing with a large number of retired people up to 85 years of age, that hypnotherapy is a powerful and beneficial process for the majority of people. An individual’s personal motivation is the key to his or her success.
For the therapeutic applications of hypnotherapy we most often deal with, hypnotic depth of any kind is not required. A subject can be the lightest possible subject and still receive all of the benefits from hypnotherapy that the deepest subjects will receive. I strongly feel that over the years, far too much importance has been placed on how deep a subject is. If the subject is deep, it could be beneficial. This however, may not necessarily be the case. Actually, with the latest hypnotic techniques like Ericksonian hypnotherapy and state of the art “NLP” (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), the depth of the hypnotic state is one of the least imperative aspects, which contribute to a successful outcome.
There are fundamentally no dangers to the practice of hypnotherapy. It is not possible to “get stuck” in hypnotherapy. The worst thing that could happen while a client is in the hypnotic state is that she might fall into a natural state of sleep for twenty or thirty minutes. She would awaken rested and out of the state of self-hypnosis.
There are many misnomers about hypnotherapy. Most of the misnomers are due to stage and television shows. As luck would have it, it is because of the fact that the television can hypnotize you that these misnomers are so strongly ingrained in people’s minds.
The largest misconception about hypnotherapy is that it is sleep. Not anything could be further from the truth. If you are asleep, you are unconscious. If you are unconscious, you can’t hear anything. If you can’t hear anything, then the hypnotherapist can’t help you. Hypnosis is a state of keen awareness. The subject is wide-awake and aware of everything around her. This misconception comes from the stage Hypnotist’s use of the word “sleep” as equivalent to a state of hypnosis. When the old time hypnotist swung the pocket watch in front of the subject’s face, he told the subject that she was getting “sleepy.” Then he told the subject to “go to sleep.” What he meant was to go into a hypnotic sleep, not a natural sleep.
The second largest misconception is that there is a hypnotized feeling. There is no specific hypnotized feeling. I repeat there is no specific hypnotized feeling. Most people feel very relaxed when in a state of hypnosis, as relaxation seems to be the essence of the hypnotic state. Some people feel heavy. Some people feel light. Some people have other sensations and feelings. Other people have absolutely no feeling that they are in self-hypnosis, and believe they haven’t been hypnotized when they most definitely have.
NO! The hypnotherapist can’t make you do anything against your will. There is always an observing ego state. Should the therapist make an offensive suggestion; this ego state would reject the suggestion. Additionally, you will probably come out of the hypnotic state if the hypnotherapist makes an offensive suggestion.
You will not divulge any secrets while in self hypnosis unless you want to. The therapist doesn’t have any control over the subject. Quite the contrary, the subject has more control over herself since at this time she can directly communicate with her own unconscious mind. The subject can easily refuse any suggestion the therapist makes, no matter how simple or complicated the suggestion might be. The subject can open her eyes, exit from the state of self hypnosis, and exit the room at any time she chooses.
NO! People can lie when in self-hypnosis.
This is a common misconception. The therapist doesn’t have any special powers, nor does he have any special vibrations with which to hypnotize you into the state of hypnosis. In reality, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The therapist leads the subject into a state of hypnosis. In other words, the ability of self hypnosis is within the subject.
Perhaps the chief reason for the inability to reach one’s goals through self-hypnosis is an insufficient amount of practice where self-hypnosis is concerned.
The biggest reason for the return of a symptom or “relapse” is the early discontinuance of hypnotherapy with the Hypno-therapist or recorded program. While self-hypnosis is important, it is generally the hetero-hypnosis with the therapist or hypnosis recording which has the greatest impact upon the unconscious mind.
This is because of the experience that the therapist has vs. the lack of experience of the client. Some people are penny wise and pound-foolish. They mentally set an amount of time or money that they are willing to spend for help. And then they prematurely abate their sessions because; “I didn’t lose 50 Lbs. in two days, so it isn’t working.”
If a therapeutic method is really helping one to make their desired changes, then it is invaluable and it should be sustained. It is for this reason that it is wise to have follow up hypnosis sessions, even after a symptom seems to have disappeared completely. Self-hypnosis should be an ongoing affair on a daily basis. Ultimately, YOUR SUCCESS IS UP TO YOU!
That is an excellent question. Normally I would recommend that you utilize the services of a reputable therapist. The reason is that by meeting with you, a good therapist / NLP’er will be able to customize his approach to your personality and your favored representational system — the way you favor taking in information through your senses to make sense out of it and react to it.
In my opinion, 99% of the recorded hypnosis programs available today are strictly Traditional Hypnosis, and are made up of only one or maybe two sessions of it at that. Traditional Hypnosis is nothing more than a set of direct commands: “If you eat a brownie you’ll vomit.” “You won’t have cravings and urges,” etc.. This technology has an unbelievably poor track record of success because the people in our generation have been taught to question everything they are told. That’s why you, your friends, and your kids usually do the opposite of what they are told to do. This is called a polarity response.
That being said, having private sessions with any therapist / NLP’er who has enough experience to be able to actually help you can cost a great deal of money. There are some hypnotic programs based on Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that have overcome those shortcomings. They’ve accomplished this by utilizing a mix of Ericksonian Hypnosis, NLP, Traditional Hypnosis, and the highly regarded Video Hypnosis technology.
These are all modalities that are designed to get rid of the resistance factor. In fact, Video Hypnosis and the NLP technology that it’s based on do not utilize suggestion at all. They rely on using the thought processes that have created a problem, to eliminate it!
Look for vendors who offer these methods in multi-session products. These are programs that generally have six to eight different hypnosis or NLP sessions, so you are exposed to a broad variety of techniques. It takes a lot of work to script and record this type of program, but the high success rates achieved are well worth the effort.
I recommend that you stay away from the “one size fits all” — “do-or-die” hypnotherapy CDs and downloads. Many people are lured in by these CDs because they are very inexpensive, usually under $10.00. But is it cheap if it just wastes your valuable time and doesn’t work?
If you buy a program and it doesn’t work, then you get guarded and start to expect the next approach to fail. And you get what you expect. Do you really think that the same exact commands will work for everyone? Do you think that they will work for you? Do you typically do exactly as you are told to do? Or do you feel a desire to do the opposite of what you are told to do?